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Moving Beyond Disease Management and into Vitality

For the last few years, I have focused on finding and implementing strategies to fully heal chronic illness for myself and others. All of my tools can be done at home by anyone. I started with what I call “foundation tools”. They include clean water, fresh air, sunshine, exercise, rest, and diet. I’ve seen a great reduction in disease symptoms and a return of quality of life.

When I first started my journey, I had debilitating food and environmental allergies and sensitivities. I had to wear a mask to walk to class during Spring. If clothes were washed in a washer with mildew or mold, I couldn’t wear them without having convulsions. If I ate the wrong item, I could throw up or have diarrhea for a week. I quickly learned for survival sake that I needed to eliminate as many harmful substances as I could to switch off from flight or fight and enter rest and digest mode. Just walking through the cleaning aisle of a store would trigger asthma attacks and migraines.

I went through a period of time when my liver was so congested, that I would react to anything slightly toxic. This was a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing, because I was made acutely aware of anything harmful. My body could sense mold long before a mold test. I picked up on water leak and mold issue in an apartment months before they found the source. It was a curse because I could no longer live the standard American lifestyle. If I ate the same as my peers, then I would be violently ill. If I had one drink of alcohol, then I would be immune suppressed for a full week. If I breathed in cigarette smoke or scented candles, then my lungs would close until I got to fresh air. This was highly restrictive and limited many joys that others my age were experiencing.

One of the areas that I was highly restricted to was aromatic compounds. Everything I bought had to be unscented. If it listed fragrance, then it was out of the question. If the cleaning product contained ammonia, then I couldn’t go near it. My life became very simple. The less ingredients, the better. I began looking for personal care and cleaning products with natural ingredients. Many of the products I was drawn to contained essential oils.

A few months ago, my friend invited me to learn about her wellness business. I sat in a room full of women and we passed around little bottles of essential oils. She discussed the care in which the company took to ensure the highest quality pure, therapeutic grade essential oils from seed to seal. The amount of life energy contained in each bottle was incredible. I knew from just holding the little bottles that they were gems and worth an investment.


I bought the premium starter kit and began energy experiments. I started diffusing them, applying them topically, and ingesting a few of them. I realized that this was exactly what my wellness journey was missing. The aromatic compounds in these essential oils are life giving. They help to focus energy according to your wellness goals. They open up sinuses instead of closing them. They help to ground energy in to the earth. They help to focus spiritual energy during meditation. They help to let go of stored emotions that are creating chaos. They help to keep a greater purpose in mind and not sweat the small details. They help skin to glow. The list goes on and on. They smell true to nature and carry a sense of home.

My energy experiments have confirmed the quality of design in their blends. Anywhere that an individual registers with excess oxidative stress is the first place that the blend, Stress Away, targets. Valor supports the kidneys and bladder to let go of fear and strengthens the heart chakra thereby increasing courage. The immune support blend, Thieves, strengthens the thymus. The blends are designed well enough that if you have a specific symptom or goal, then you can trust the oils blends as labeled.


The high-quality oils are just the beginning. This company has products to support all wellness needs, including cleaning, skincare, makeup, supplements, kids, and pets. They are bringing wellness into the lives of millions by reducing stress caused by ingesting everyday toxins and giving life to dreams, goals, and inspiration. The educational literature included in the lifestyle resonates with the approaches I have found to be most effective including but not limited to fasting, colon hydrotherapy, liver cleanses, dietary approaches, and processing stored emotions. I have been searching for my tribe of like-minded individuals and finally feel at home with this wellness community.


I’m excited to take my wellness journey to the next step by partnering with Young Living. Gary Young had an incredible vision of a better tomorrow. I’m grateful for the opportunity to help make the vision a reality.

Does my story resonate with you? Are you also looking for quality products to help reach your wellness goals? Are you new to essential oils and looking for more educational information? Are you an oil expert looking for a better quality product? Reach out to me and let’s further the discussion. I’d be honored to guide you on your wellness journey. Follow me on IG at plantedvitality.

Lydia is a gifted health intuitive who inspires vital transformations of the body, mind, and soul.

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